What I'll explain here is how to turn a basic Linux system into a router, and add firewall functionality with iptables (netfilter). It's based on a Debian 3.0 installation, but should apply to other distributions as well. If you get confused about Debian Linux, About Debian has a very good collection of beginner's guides.

Simple AP setup & WiFi management for Debian-based devices. View the Project on GitHub billz/raspap-webgui. RaspAP lets you quickly get a WiFi access point up and running to share the connectivity of many popular Debian-based devices, including the Raspberry Pi.Our popular Quick installer creates a known-good default configuration that “just works” on all current Raspberry Pis with onboard Debian Router -- Multiple interface problems Dec 22, 2005 How to Choose the Best Firmware to Supercharge Your Wi-Fi

Debian Linux Configure Wireless Networking With WPA2

How to Reboot Your Router and Modem

Konfigurasi Debian Router pada VMware (Debian 9) - YouTube

Nov 13, 2014 How to make Ubuntu/Debian as a router - Blogger In addressing the router enables wireless networking connection, really amazing what Technology has changed these days. I like meeting new things. This is why i have come to this blog, I find it very interesting.This is like How To Configure Linux as a Static Router – devconnected